Monday, December 28, 2015

No Direct Translation

There are a lot of foreign words with no direct English translation. You can find several lists of them on Google. A year or so ago someone posted a link to one of these sites online and I checked it out. Most of the examples they gave I would probably never use unless I was trying to show off and even then only a few were marginally useful. There was one, though.


Sobremesa is Spanish and literally means "over the table" but it's used as a name for that time spent after a meal, hanging out with family or friends, chatting, and enjoying each other's company.

Sobremesa. Not only a useful word but a concept we should all keep in mind.

Susan and I saw it in action while we were in Europe, not just in Spain but in France and England as well, especially when were were eating out. We never felt we were being rushed because they wanted to turn the table for the next people. The bill never came until you asked for it. In people's houses sobremesa could go long into the night, at least until someone decided they had to leave and that would release the rest of us.

It was an easy, relaxing time.

You can't sobremesa standing up or watching a clock.

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